
Halitosis, also known as chronic bad breath, has a variety of causes. Common causes of halitosis include poor oral hygiene and the regular consumption of certain foods (such as garlic and onions). Certain diseases, alcohol and tobacco consumption, and liver or kidney problems may also cause halitosis. By identifying the root cause of bad breath, we can create a unique treatment plan to combat your condition.

Freshen Your Mouth with Individualized Bad Breath Treatment

If you have chronic bad breath, or halitosis, the condition can take a huge toll on your self-confidence and personal life. Fortunately, Drs. Lewis Ricciuti and James Albanese offer highly effective bad breath treatment at their Long Island practice. After diagnosing the exact cause of your condition, they will develop a customized treatment plan to freshen your breath, end your embarrassment, and improve your quality of life. Contact 4Excellence in Dentistry today to learn more about the causes of halitosis, as well as bad breath treatment options.

What Causes Halitosis?

Bacteria and plaque build up are the most common causes of bad breath. If you do not practice proper oral hygiene, plaque and tartar can accumulate on the teeth and gum line, attracting bacteria. The food particles and bacteria emit an unpleasant odor, and they can cause dental decay and gum disease.

Even if you practice impeccable dental hygiene, there are additional causes of halitosis, including:

  • Food: Most people already know that certain foods can cause temporary bad breath. However, if you routinely eat foods like onions, garlic, and odorous spices, it could result in chronic halitosis.
  • Dry mouth: Saliva plays an important role in your dental health, washing away bacteria and plaque. If you suffer from dry mouth, plaque and bacteria may linger in your mouth, even if you brush and floss regularly.
  • Medications: Some medications can cause dry mouth. Others are broken down in the blood stream, and like food, they can lend an unpleasant odor to your breath.
  • Smoking: Tobacco use can cause bad breath on its own. It also increases your risk for dental decay and gum disease.

Medical conditions: Certain conditions, such as pneumonia, bronchitis, diabetes, acid reflux, kidney disease, and liver disease, can cause bad breath.

Treatment for Bad Breath

The specific treatment for your halitosis will depend on its underlying cause:

  • In many cases, a thorough dental cleaning and improved hygiene may be sufficient.
  • If you are suffering from gum disease, we offer several periodontal treatments. A deep cleaning, also known as scaling and planing, is one of the most common procedures. During this treatment, the dentist will remove plaque build up below the gum line. Then, he will carefully smooth rough areas on the dental roots.
  • Additionally, changes in diet or medication may help to improve your breath.

If you do not suffer from any other oral health symptoms, Dr. Ricciuti or Dr. Albanese may recommend that you schedule a thorough check-up with your physician.

Maintaining Your Fresh Breath

After your dentist has addressed the underlying causes of your bad breath, there are several things you can do to prevent the condition from returning. First, practice good dental hygiene. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss daily, and use antibacterial mouthwash. Chewing sugarless gum throughout the day can also keep your breath at its freshest. You should also drink plenty of water to increase saliva production and wash away food particles. Finally, schedule your biannual dental visits. During these appointments, Dr. Albanese or Dr. Ricciuti will thoroughly clean your teeth and monitor your condition.

Get Fresher Breath Today

There is no reason to live with chronic bad breath. Schedule an appointment to find out the causes of your halitosis and get the treatment you need.